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Blog: Plumbing News, Tips and Advice - Page 7

Easily Clear A Blocked Pipe With A Drain Snake In Just 4 Steps

Blocked Drains

Easily Clear A Blocked Pipe With A Drain Snake In Just 4 Steps

Plungers just aren't effective anymore. Fact! I'll tell you what is effective ...

How Much Does It Cost To Clear A Blocked Drain?

Blocked Drains

How Much Does It Cost To Clear A Blocked Drain?

A blocked drain in your home is really annoying, but above all, it can be concerning and have higher priority more than anything ...

10 Drain Clogging Plants that Will Cost You Thousands

Blocked Drains

10 Drain Clogging Plants that Will Cost You Thousands

To avoid costly pipe and drain repairs - there are some types of plants that you should avoid planting ...

Must Read This Before Using A Drain Snake (Toilet Snake) Or Electric Eel

Blocked Drains

Must Read This Before Using A Drain Snake (Toilet Snake) Or Electric Eel

There are a lot of plumbers that still use the older Electric Eel (also known as a plumbers snake or a drain snake) method today ...

Why is it Important to use a Plumber That is Coronavirus Aware?

Jetset Plumbing

Why is it Important to use a Plumber That is Coronavirus Aware?

These are unprecedented times and while you might just want to lock your doors, batten down the hatches and ride this thing out in ...

Common Causes of a Leaking Toilet

Toilet Plumbing

Common Causes of a Leaking Toilet

Detecting the cause of leakage can be somewhat of a challenge, here are some of the most common causes ...


Jetset Plumbing


Gratitude is the 'quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return to kindness' ...

What is Zip Money?

Jetset Plumbing

What is Zip Money?

Zip Money is a 'buy now, pay later' service that provides customers with a line of credit, so they can make purchases at participating retailers ...

What Kind of Trees Can Invade Sewer Pipe Lines?

Blocked Drains

What Kind of Trees Can Invade Sewer Pipe Lines?

Trees in residential and commercial areas create pleasant environments that provide shade, create enjoyable views and provide privacy. However ...

How Much To Clear A Blocked Drain?

Blocked Drains

How Much To Clear A Blocked Drain?

Blocked drains can cause flooding when it rains and what's worse - they can cause your toilet to back up and you could have raw sewage flooding into your property ...

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