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How Do I Read My Water Meter?

A water meter is a device that all land properties have, it measures the volume of water delivered to a property. Most water meters can be located near the curb or sidewalk at the front of a property, the water meter box will have a metal or plastic lid and may be marked ‘water meter’.

When opening the lid of the water meter, proceed with caution as some small animals may have taken up residence. Your water meter registers all water used at your property and is read by your local city council. The water you use is shown as water consumption on your water and sewerage rate notice.

The black numbers on your water meter represent kilolitres (kL), one kilolitre is equivalent to 1000 litres (L). The white numbers on the red dials represent litres. If you live in a unit complex, properties may share one main meter with the usage divided between all the units at the property, based on a term "property share percentage".

Daily Water Usage:

Every property has its own water meter

1. Record the numbers on your home's water meter and write the time of day you took the reading.

2. Go about using water as you normally would.

3. At the same time a day later, record your water meter reading.

4. When you have both readings, subtract the second from the first.

5. This is your household's daily water usage.

You now have your daily water usage, the Australian daily water usage per person is 340 litres, if you are using more than this you may want to think about ways you can curb your current water usage.


Check For Leaks

Water meter leaks

If you suspect your property may have a water leak, you can easily self-test by following these steps;

1. Turn off all taps and water-using appliances in and around your home.

2. Check your water meter for signs of movement — if the dials are moving there could be a leak.

3. If there is no movement, take a reading and wait around 30 minutes and take another reading — make sure you don't use any water during this period.

4. If your meter has increased, there is a leak and you should contact your local plumber ASAP.

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