Will Baking Soda Clear a Blocked Drain?

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Will Baking Soda Clear a Blocked Drain?

Homeowners rarely pay attention to their drainage systems until there is a noticeable problem.

Because of this, blocked drains are one of the most common plumbing problems. They also happen to be one of the most inconvenient issues. They are usually caused by food residue and other solid wastes accumulating in the water pipes, gradually slowing or completely stopping drainage.

When it comes to cleaning a clogged drain, chemical drain cleaners are a popular method, but they unfortunately cause more harm than good to the lining of your pipes. The baking soda and vinegar method has become common use as it is a gentler way to unclog a drain, but is it really that effective?

Will Baking Soda Clear a Blocked Drain?

The Baking Soda Method

So what is the baking soda method exactly? The baking soda and vinegar method is basically a small at home science experiment and can be completed in five simple steps:

  • Step one: start by pouring boiling water down the blocked drain.
  • Step two: follow this by pouring one half cup of baking soda down the drain and let it sit for a minute.
  • Step three: now you want to pour in a 1/2 cup of vinegar (specifically white vinegar), and a 1/2 cup of hot water.
  • Step four: using a plug, cover the drain opening and leave the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Step five: finally, remove the cover and pour one more lot of boiling water down the drain to flush everything.

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The Science Behind It

But how does it work? Well, it relies on the old acid-base chemical reaction commonly used in children's science projects.

In this case the white vinegar serves as the acid and the baking soda serves as the base. When the two combine, their immediate reaction is to neutralise one another. This causes an exchange of particles (atoms) which results in the release of carbon dioxide, more commonly known as the visible bubbling effect.

Both the acid and the bubbling effect are thought to produce a cleaning solution that will loosen any soap scum and grime that has become stuck to the internal lining of your water pipes. The final flush of hot water should then easily clear this away. Though, is this at home remedy really that effective? Or is it just wasting your time?

Is It An Effective Method For Clearing Blocked Drains?

The good news is that it's not harmful to your drains as long as the method is not overused. However, the effectiveness of the practice is debatable.

Yes, the baking soda method can be an effective drain cleaner for smaller blockages with less buildup. However, when it comes to blocked drains that are causing odours and slowing or even stopping water flow, the baking soda and vinegar concoction might not be sufficient enough to fully resolve the problem.

These more severe drain clogs are usually a job for your local plumber, as more often than not, they are being caused by other underlying factors.

Clearing Tough Drain Clogs

Jetset Plumbing has the latest in CCTV drain camera inspection technology. These cameras allow our plumbers to get an internal view of the affected pipes and base their solutions on the problems they can actually see.

Plumber unblocking a blocked drain

High pressure water jetters are one of the most commonly used methods for clearing a blocked drain because they are able to blast through tree roots and any built-up debris. In most cases, water jetting is enough to unclog a drain and leave water drainage flowing smoothly again. However in more serious cases, such as punctured or collapsed pipes, the solution might require relining or replacement.

If you want to learn more about what this process might entail, visit: How Does Pipe Relining Work?

And, if you've tried the baking soda method but it just hasn't been that effective at clearing out the blockage, call us at Jetset Plumbing on 1800 443 996. We'll have a plumber out to get your drains clean in no time.

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