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Brisbane’s Water Prices Rises And How To Save Yourself Money

With Brisbane water prices set to rise by more than $80 per year, residents are looking for ways to try and save water and money everywhere they can. Queensland Urban Utilities recently announced their 2014-2015 pricing scheme with southeast Queensland residents set to be hit by between a 4.3 and 6.4 percent price hike this year.

This price rise makes it more important than ever to save water, not just for the money, but for the environmental and social impacts for the rest of the world. Whilst people in the south east of Queensland go about their daily lives with a steady (all be it expensive) supply of water, almost 80 percent of the state is currently drought-declared, the highest every percentage in Queensland's recorded history.

Of all water used in your average household, 25% goes to flushing the toilet, between 3L and 10L per flush. In addition a single leaky tap can waste up to 15L per day. Multiple this by the number of leaky taps in your house, then the number of houses in your street, then your suburb and this number becomes astronomical, it is estimated that up to 60% of all water wastage is from leaky taps.

Brisbane Infographic on water waste

But what can you do to save money and water in your household? Jetset Plumbing's fleet of top quality plumbers have the latest technology in non-destructive ultra-high frequency leak detection, CCTV drain cameras and can help you save money and water.

Call a Brisbane plumber now.

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