How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

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How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

Dealing with household pests can be quite the nuisance, and drain flies are undoubtedly among the most annoying. These pesky critters are sure to truly test your patience. But the good news is that there are some fairly effective methods to help prevent drain flies from taking over your water pipes.

How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

Generally, your household's drains can become reservoirs for stagnant water and bacteria buildup. This is where you will most likely find the flies congregating; particularly around sinks, bathtubs, and showers. To add to the frustration, these pests have a remarkable ability to reproduce within a mere 48 hours, meaning you could be dealing with a drain fly infestation within the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, unlike some other pest-related problems, dealing with drain flies can be a swift and uncomplicated endeavour. In fact, with just a touch of attentiveness and a few household items, you should be able to put a swift end to their presence in your home and establish a strategy to prevent their return.

What are Drain Flies?

Drain flies, also referred to as moth flies or sink flies, are actually a similar size to fruit flies. However, what sets them apart from other flies is their moth-like wings and their fuzzy, rounded bodies. Though, unlike both moths and standard household flies, drain flies cannot actually fly all that well. Instead, they opt for hopping between locations, which is helpful when it comes to identifying them.

While their life cycle generally encompasses a span of 8 to 24 days, they are able to deposit and hatch up to 300 eggs in as little as 48 hours. So it is definitely a problem you will want to get on top of as quickly as possible.

Where Can You Find Drain Flies?

Drain flies have a very particular affinity for stagnant water, bacteria, and sewerage. Because of this, you can often find them near:

  • Kitchen and outdoor sinks
  • Shower and bathtub drains
  • Sewers and septic tanks

In saying that, drain flies could also be found in the following locations:

  • Mop buckets
  • Compost piles
  • Storm drains containing standing water
  • Damp rubbish bins

Sink Drain with Drai Flies

DIY Methods for Getting Rid of Drain Flies

In some cases, the mere act of flushing your drains can effectively expel drain fly larvae. The following techniques can be used to handle the infestation or prevent any future problems:

Hot Water

The most simple resolution involves carefully pouring hot water down the affected drain 1-2 times a day for about a week. The continuation helps to ensure that the flies are deterred from reappearing overnight, especially if the water was not able to completely eliminate all the accumulated organic matter stuck within the pipe.

The Baking Soda Method

For this method, start by carefully pouring hot water down the drain, followed by ½ a cup of baking soda. After letting the baking soda sit for a minute, pour 1 cup of white vinegar down the drain and cover the drain with a plug for 5-10 minutes. Finally, once you've given the mixture time to react, flush out the drain with hot water. This should effectively deter the flies and clear some of the grime stuck within the pipes.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Plastic Wrap

For this method, fill the bottom of a container with around an inch of apple cider vinegar before covering it with plastic wrap. Puncture small holes into the plastic cover so that the flies can enter the container and place it near the affected area. This method acts as a makeshift fly trap, as the drain flies should be attracted to the apple cider vinegar and become stuck in the jar. However, this will do nothing to clean your drains, so you should be aware that the issue could return.

Chemical Methods for Getting Rid of Drain Flies

If you want something that might work a bit faster, conventional cleaning agents designed for drain cleaning can also effectively eliminate these pests. However, when resorting to chemical drain cleaners, it is incredibly important to adhere to the instructions and avoid overusing the product, as it can have a negative effect on drains and pipes.

Chemical Drain Cleaner and Deterrents

After thoroughly flushing your drain with warm water, use a chemical drain cleaner to help eradicate the remaining buildup. Alternatively, using aerosol deterrents targeted at pest control can also help alleviate the problem. However, considering a number of these substances contain potent chemicals, it is advisable to check whether they are safe to be used in kitchen spaces.

Kitchen drain plumber

Preventing Drain Flies

Drain flies are naturally drawn to pools of still water that contain bacteria from sewage and organic waste. Therefore, the best way to prevent a drain fly infestation is by regularly cleaning your drains and ensuring that you are not flushing organic waste down the sink. While for drains that are not regularly used, sealing the opening with a plug is a simple way to prevent drain flies from being able to access the pipes.

In the case of a persistent drain fly infestation, the best thing you can do is contact your local plumber. A professional drain specialist will be able to clean your drains properly, ensuring that they are cleared of any excess bacteria and debris. At Jetset Plumbing, our Brisbane and Gold Coast plumbers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology so that they can make sure your drains are in the best possible condition.

So, if you just can't seem to get rid of those pesky flies, call us at 1800 443 996, and we will have a plumber out to you in no time!

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