Can Toilet Paper Block Drains?

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Can Toilet Paper Block Drains?

It might come as a surprise, but toilet paper absolutely can block your drains and leave you with a clogged toilet. The probability of this happening does, however, depend on a few different factors at play. Good news, this can usually be avoided with just a bit of attention.

Can Toilet Paper Block Drains?

The Truth: What Causes Toilet Paper to Block Drains?

If ignored for too long a blocked drain can easily escalate and become an expensive plumbing nightmare. What might begin with slowly draining water in your toilet bowl, could end with a clogged toilet, a messy overflow, and a frantic call to your local emergency plumber.

Using Too Much

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to avoid having your toilet paper make a fool out of you and your drains. The most obvious way is to stop over-using the stuff. It really doesn't get any easier than that.

Toilet paper is specifically designed to dissolve in water with ease, doing so very quickly once you have flushed the toilet. However, the constant use of too much toilet paper can overwhelm your pipes and cause the breakdown process to slow.

The more there is, the longer it takes to break down and the more chance there is for it to form gum-like clumps along the internal lining of your pipes. In time, these can build up and cause blocked drains.

Tree Roots

While toilet paper can block your drains without assistance over a period of time, the more serious toilet blocks that seem to come out of nowhere usually indicate another suspect.

Tree roots. They're your plumbing system's arch nemesis. When in search of water, tree roots will use the smallest pinholes in your water and sewer pipes to slowly infiltrate and form thick bundles of netting.

As clumps of undissolved toilet paper begin to get caught within the intricate webbing, the results are usually no longer a simple job for your trusty plunger.

Avoiding a Toilet Paper Blockage:

Quality, Thickness and Dissolvability

While it might sound nice to buy the fancy four-ply toilet rolls when you're standing in the supermarket, they may not actually be the best for your plumbing system. Four-ply toilet paper is thicker, generally meaning it takes longer to break down. Using excessive amounts of it regularly can accelerate the onset of a blocked drain.

That is not to say quality is a bad thing when it comes to toilet paper. In fact, quality really does matter just not in the sense of the thickest and most expensive being the best. Rather, quality refers to newer market products such as recycled toilet paper and bamboo toilet paper.

Bamboo toilet paper is especially good in terms of dissolvability. Not only is it better for the environment, but it is also made from soft bamboo fibres, which dissolve at a faster rate than standard brands.

If you want to learn more about why bamboo toilet paper might be best for you, visit: Does Bamboo Toilet Paper Block Drains?

Drain Inspections

Drain Inspections

Having your plumbing system professionally inspected by a plumbing expert can help protect you from any future blocked drains. At Jetset Plumbing we use the latest in CCTV drain camera tech to ensure your drains are in the best possible condition.

With this technology, plumbers can easily investigate any internal causes of blocked drains, such as build-up, tree roots, or even a collapsed pipe. Getting your plumbing system checked before the damage becomes too noticeable can save you from a lot of trouble in the long run.

If you can't remember the last time you had your drains inspected then it might be time to give us a call here at Jetset Plumbing on 1800 443 996.

Staying Out of Trouble

It's easy to overlook the mundane aspects of being a homeowner, like drain maintenance and toilet paper usage. However, when it comes to plumbing, even the smallest amount of attention can prevent toilet paper from clogging up your drains.

Whether it be using one less sheet, switching to bamboo toilet paper, or simply calling your local plumber. Believe us when we say that it all really does help in the long run.

TOP 5 Signs of a BLOCKED DRAIN! (Professional Plumbing Tips)

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