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Jetset Plumbing Sponsors World Vision + 4 Things You Didn't Know About Cambodia

Cambodia is a south-east Asian country that lies in between Thailand and Vietnam and is roughly the size of Victoria! From 1969 to 1991 Cambodia suffered a great deal as a consequence of the Vietnam War as well as the communist uprising. Around 1.7 million people died throughout the years from hunger, illness and execution. Finally, in 1991 a peace treaty was signed with the help of the United Nations.


A typical home in Cambodia is a small house made usually of wood and bamboo that houses generations of the same family. Rice and fish are a staple diet for many and as a result, 40% of children aged 5 years or younger exhibit signs of moderate to severe stunting which is a sign of chronic malnutrition.

It is hard to imagine yourself in someone else’s shoes, especially someone less fortunate – so here are some startling facts to understand just how lucky we are in Australia.

In Cambodia, the gross national income per person is AUD $4,136 whereas in Australia it is AUD $61,264.

In Cambodia only 4.9% of the population use the internet, whereas in Australia it is 82.3%.

In Cambodia there are 2.3 doctors per 10,000 people, whereas in Australia there are 38.5 per 10,000 people.

In Cambodia the infant death rate under 5 years is 40 per 1,000 live births, whereas in Australia it is 5.

The Cambodian village we have partnered with world-vision to aid is in a rural area within the mountains where the climate is hot and humid.

Most people are farmers; however, they struggle due to the lack of conditions and the lack of the right tools needed.

With poor sanitation and hygiene, the people of Cambodia are often riddled with illnesses such as vomiting and diarrhoea.

Without the help of World Vision, most children don’t finish school because there aren’t enough facilities or trained teachers in the area, which leads them to start farming when they can no longer attend school.

Our mission with World Vision is to create a library for the village, where anyone can have improved access for their education. During this journey, the village will also be educated in farming techniques to increase food production, training in hygiene and good sanitation practices, help the community to sustain development efforts, along with health and nutrition education.

We sponsor a child in Cambodia for every staff member at Jetset, which all our staff are so proud of, which we can do because of our great customers like YOU.

Thanks to you and your ongoing support, we together, are making a difference to so many lives in Cambodia.

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