Zip Hot Water Systems

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Zip Hot Water Systems

Zip Industries is a privately-owned Australian business that has been in the hot water game for over half a century.

While Zip only offers instantaneous hot water systems, their range can suit any households needs and wants. Over the years their hot water systems have been refreshed and refined to create a whole new innovative way of instantaneous hot water systems.

Zip hot water system

Instantaneous Electric Hot Water Systems

This line of Zip hot water systems provides an extremely efficient means of delivering instant hot water to all types of residences.

The water is heated at the point of use and delivered when you need it.

These systems are limited to 50 degrees Celsius in accordance with Australian guidelines.

The M, C and D series are perfect for small basins or kitchens.

The M series is targeted at basin use and the consumer can choose 35-degree, 38 degree or 45-degree temperature settings.

The C series works best in either bathrooms or kitchens and can be set to a temperature between 20 and 50 degrees.

The D series is made for bathrooms, kitchens or laundries and can be set at a temperature between 20 and 50 degrees.

The Tudor model is designed to deliver hot water to a single sink or bathtub, with the choice of temperature settings and 5L or 10L storage.

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