Rheem Hot Water Systems

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Rheem Hot Water Systems

Rheem Hot Water Systems

Rheem has dominated the Australian hot water system market for quite some time. Having started in 1939, this company has both experience and knowledge.

The hot water systems that Rheem has on offer include:

Rheem Gas Storage Hot Water Systems

These are some of the medium sized gas hot water systems available and are best suited for average households. The Rheem Stellar range has models that come in 130L and 160L versions, they both run off natural gas and hold a five-star energy rating.

There are a few other five and four-star models and while they are not as popular as the Stellar range, they are quite suited to families. Rheem’s Internal range has both a 135L and 170L model and are designed to be stored in the house out of the harsh reality of Australia’s climate.

While these internal models are more expensive, you may end up saving money in the long run as they do not need maintenance anywhere near as often. The RheemPlus system is a family favourite as it provides a maximum temperature delivery for added safety with young children. This system comes with an extended warranty as well as a five-star energy rating.

Rheem Electric Storage Hot Water Systems

Rheem again provides a range of Stellar models, this time these electric systems are ideally fit for smaller families or households as they come in a 50L, 80L and 125L range.

The smallest Rheem electric storage systems are sold in a 25L capacity and the largest is 412L. RheemPlus is the ideal fit for families as it comes with a maximum temperature feature, perfect for when the little-ones are showering! This range is offered in 125L, 160L and 250L models. All water storage systems come with at least 7 years warranty, so you can be rest assured that you will have hot water for quite some time.

Rheem Continuous Flow Hot Water Systems

Rheem’s continuous flow systems all boast over a six-star energy rating. These systems are available in 12L, 20L and 27L models, ideal for smaller households as a safe and efficient model. As these systems are some of the smallest models available, they can be mounted to the walls to allow for more living space.

The Pronto range has two models that provide hot water through a hydro-electric generator.

Rheem Solar Powered Flow Hot Water Systems

Rheem has a diverse range of solar-powered systems. The Hiline range consists of panels as well as models that hold from 160L to 305L which are perfect for households with four or more people. The water is heated as it is passed through the collectors and then it is automatically circulated into the storage tank – meaning hot water will always be available. When the weather is overcast, the electric booster that comes with the model kicks in.

This model comes with a seven-year warranty with a range of colours to best blend into your roof. Rheem’s Loline range comes with panels as well as a ground tank, this is best for households that have limited roof space. The tank capacity and warranty are the same as the Hiline range.

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