Aquamax Hot Water Systems

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Aquamax Hot Water Systems

AquaMax is an established Australian company that produces efficient gas and electric hot water system storage models. AquaMax has been successful as it has a strong research and development team that has improved performance and efficiency out of sight.

Aquamax hot water systems

AquaMax Gas Storage Hot Water Systems

AquaMax has three different types of gas storage; the G390SS Gas Storage, the G340SS Gas Storage and the G270SS Gas Storage.

The G390SS range holds 390L and is best suited to households that have three or more bathrooms and four or more people. This cylinder has a five-star energy rating and is equipped with a twelve-year cylinder warranty. The G340SS range holds 340L and is best suited to households that have two or more bathrooms and three or more people. This cylinder has a five-star energy rating and a twelve-year cylinder warranty.

The G270SS range holds 270L and is best suited to households that have one or more bathrooms and two or more people. This cylinder has a five-star energy rating and a twelve-year cylinder warranty.

AquaMax Electric Storage Hot Water Systems

AquaMax offers two types of electric water heaters, the electric Vitreous Enamel or the Stainless Steel Electric. The Vitreous Enamel range are available from 50L up to 400L which covers almost every household and its needs. This range also comes with either a 5-year or 10-year warranty depending on your capacity.

The Stainless Steel Electric is available from 80L up to 315L which suit the small to medium size households.

The AquaMax Vitreous Enamel range is ground-breaking in its energy efficiency and the Electric Stainless Steel Range is 27% more efficient than the minimum energy performance requirements.

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