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10 Drain And Pipe Clogging Plants That Will Cost You Thousands

In this article we cover the top drain blocking plants that you need to be aware of. For a shortcut to each plant, click the link below:

10 Drain Clogging Plants

With spring in the air, people are starting to garden and plant new plants. But most people don't take into account their plumbing when planting until it's too late. Whilst all trees have root systems that can be potentially dangerous to plumbing, some are much more likely than others.

The root system of a plant is designed to track down moisture, and that's exactly what plumbing transports, moisture. There are some types of plants that you should avoid planting near your plumbing.

Firstly, if you are currently experiencing issues with blockages, it is extremely important to have your drains inspected by a licensed plumber with a CCTV drain camera.

Call Jetset Plumbing today for your drainage inspection on 1800 443 996

10. Birch Trees

Birch Trees

Birch trees can be big, very big, in excess of 50 feet straight up. This massive height contributes to the problem, a Birch Trees root system wide and flat and covers a substantial area and causes havoc on pipes.

9. Willow Trees

Willow Trees

Willow Trees natural habitat is one of high levels of moisture such as river banks. Because of this most backyards don't have a suitable supply of water to sustain a Willow and the root systems go hunting for your pipes causing huge amounts of damage and blockages.

8. Oak Trees

Oak Trees

Oak Trees are some of the biggest and oldest trees in the world. They are slow growing and so are their root systems. Oak trees how ever have a main root called a "tap root" which grows straight down into the ground in search of moisture. Once the tree begins to mature, other roots start growing laterally from the plant and these are the roots that cause havoc for plumbing.

7. Magnolia Trees

Magnolia Trees

Magnolia Trees have an amazing fragrance, and an amazing systems of roots that cause massive damage to plumbing. Magnolia roots are long, thick and rope like in appearance and structure. They grow along the ground and create havoc on plumbing that is relatively shallow.

6. Citrus Trees (Lemons, Oranges, Mangoes, etc.)

Citrus Trees

Like willow trees, citrus tree require large amounts of water to grow successfully, and most backyards don't have substantial moisture in the soil, so the root systems hunt down your plumbing and get the moisture you need elsewhere. Citrus trees are such a big problem, that some home owner associations actually ban them from being planted in yards.

5. Boxwood Shrubs

Boxwood Shrubs

Boxwood shrubs are often planted on property boundaries as a makeshift fence, this is also where some of the most venerable plumbing is and due to their shallow root system the two clash quite often.

4. Palm Trees

Palm Trees

Unlike the other plants on this list the issues with palm trees isn't the roots, it's the fruit and seeds. These fruits and seeds get dropped and block utters downpipes and drains. This causes blockages, flooding and damage to pipes.

3. Liquidambar


This tree is a popular choice due to its stunning appearance, but plant it near pipes and you will have problems, Liquidambar has fast growing invasive roots which can infiltrate and damage pipes fast. In addition this tree is deciduous and drops its leaves in the autumn, cause blocked gutters and down pipes.

2. Eucalyptus Trees (Gum Tree)

Eucalyptus Trees (Gum Tree)

There are a number varieties of gum tree's growing in Australia, and has a far-reaching and aggressive root system. These trees can be prone to topple in strong wind and storms and the root systems are known to rip out underground pipes in the process.

1. Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba

Prehistoric tree with fan shaped leaves able to grow 21 metres tall. The fruit can drop and not only does it smell disgusting (like dog poo or vomit) but it can block guttering and drains.

Whilst these species of plant are just some of the ones that can cause problems, essentially any tree or plant can block your pipes. But that's not to say that you shouldn't be gardening or planting plants, just be aware of what you are planting and its location in relation to your plumbing.

If it's already too late and you have a blocked drain or your plumbing has already been infiltrated by roots, Jetset Plumbing's High Pressure Water Jetter and CCTV drain cameras can locate and blast away any blockages in no time. Contact your local Brisbane or Gold Coast plumber today.

These 5 Trees WILL Destroy Your Drains! video

10 Drain And Pipe Clogging Plants That Will Cost You Thousands
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