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How to Unblock A Drain

Blocked Drain Tips

How To Unblock A Drain

Here are 4 quick how to unblock your drain tips.

1. Water that is hot, hot, hot

This is a good place to start as it is the most natural remedy to offer.

Blockages that are caused by soap scum or fat will be loosened and able to move.

Boil a full kettle of water and then leave it rest for two minutes – DO NOT pour it down the drain straight away as this amount of boiling water will likely warp your pipes, causing further damage.

Hold it for 2-3 minutes then pour.

2. Add some natural enzymes to your hot water

Taking it up a notch from the hot water, employ some natural enzymes to help rid the unwanted scum. While the boiling water is cooling down, pour half a cup of salt, half a cup of bi-carb soda and a cup of vinegar followed by the hot water.

This combination of chemicals are still harmless for you and the environment, but it adds a little extra oomph that is sometimes needed rather than just plain kettle water.

Blocked drain

3. Grab a plunger

A plunger can help force the block from the pipe by the pressure of the air that is forced through in the pumps.

A handy tip is to cover the overflow with a damp cloth so that there is a complete drain seal and the air is forced to go through the drain blockage.

4. The simple way

If you have exhausted all of these DIY options or are just not up to spending what could be a few hours of your time sweating it out in the bathroom, give Jetset Plumbing a call.

Our professional plumbers will clear your blocked drain fast and effectively!

TOP 5 Signs of a BLOCKED DRAIN! (Professional Plumbing Tips)

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